Hi everyone,Just for background info, my previous post: http://forum.top-consultant.com/UK/80449/16/Paving-Out-A-Future-Career/An update for those who were interested, and also a request for guidance, a lot of you helped with the information you gave last time, and I'm hoping you can really do the same this time around.Currently finished 3rd year and working over the summer (just at my retail job in Vodafone - most consistent performer 3rd month running!), I've begun applying for graduate positions (thought it would be a good idea to get started early!). Unfortunately, I've already messed up my main target of Accenture following a telephone interview. I know a lot of you will be thinking it's pretty ridiculous failing a telephone interview for a graduate scheme, but the call came at a bad time. Two nights before, my mum phoned me and informed me that my dad had become immobile and bed bound suddenly. My father is 72 years old, and has successfully battled prostate cancer in the last 2 years, but has been deteriorating rapidly health wise, developing heart problems of late. To be blunt, he hasn't got long left. Even bigger problem with the latest development is my mum is a Regional Director of a private healthcare company, however she's always had a fear of driving and has depended solely on him to drive her in her company car. When I received the call, I decided to catch a train as soon as possible the next day. This meant waking up at half five, being on a train from Manchester to London at 6am, arriving in east London 9.45am and consequently drove 140 inner city miles that day supporting my mother. Five hours sleep that night, and had the phone interview in the morning.I know I made the right decision in terms of putting family before career (or so people around me tell me), although having comfortably got through the telephone interview last year for the internship, it's a big disappointment not to for the graduate scheme. Unfortunately, also failed Deloitte's e-tray exercise, and as such they are currently ruled out - completely devastated, it's a really difficult time for me as you can all imagine.My question is, I've been doing a lot of researching into other companies, and who is it I should be looking at for technology consultancy (company wise)? My passion really was for Deloitte and especially Accenture - I felt they were the perfect match for me. I know I can only blame myself for not performing to the best of my ability in the telephone interview, and especially the e-tray exercise. Another question is, how many of you have gone through graduate recruitment processes, and what did you find key to succeeding? I have such a passion for technology and consultancy, I know if I put myself in a room with an interviewer I can get that across however nowadays it seems as though the process is completely gruelling. Most applications have 5-6 different stages to go through (Applications, test, initial interviews, assessment centres, final interviews etc) and even just looking at the processes seems so daunting. I just really want to get my career started as soon as I graduate next July as I really believe I can be a great consultant, and I'm willing to work and claw my way up. I have realistic expectations, I just really want to get started in the industry.Any tips and advice would be very appreciated, and thanks again for reading what must be an essay by now.