Good school and good degree subject. Should at least get you in the yes pile at mid-tier strategy firms/practices, if you have some relevant internships under your belt. The rest will be up to you and your characteristics.Sounds like you have the hospitality experience. Why double down on it? If you could get in, it seems to me like a summer in a consulting firm would give you a much more rounded cv. Also, nothing about your current cv suggests you know the first thing about excel models and professional powerpoint decks. These are the pots and pans (if you'll allow the analogy) of the strategy consultant. Internships very often lead to full job offers in consulting anyway.As regards your MBA ambitions, you'll need good business experience before getting into a good MBA. If you're thinking MSc in management from a business school, I'd perhaps be wary of your age and the fact you might want to get into grad programmmes ASAP.Last piece of advice, don't go down the 'I broke from convention and went down the more challenging route, therefore my achievements have more merit' path. People don't like to hear people say this about themselves. You clearly took a mature decision to put yourself back at the level of peers much younger than you are. People might look at your cv and suspect humility (a much-appreciated trait these days); don't ruin it for them...