It won't help as much as you would expect - these will be delivery heavy roles in the middle east. ME experience will also be less weighted than European experience - the market is simply far less mature in buying consultancy services, so any selling experience out there will be considered less valuable than sales in 'mature' markets. You also run the risk of those who stay in Europe taking the opportunities to network while you are out if the HQ loop and you then having to play catch up.Those are the negatives.The positives - if and when you move from Big 4 the international sales experience will carry more weight, as other firms are less geographically weighted and more practice line orientated. You may in fact enjoy yourself out there and decide to embed in the local market. Bear in mind though that the trend we are seeing with the banks and end clients - localisation - will in due course extend to consulting firms. In particular places, Saudi for example, they also want to see a local at the head of the project, or at least as client liaison, limiting client development opportunities.Just my 2p.