[quote]Typical mbb employee profile is - straight A's at A Level ( or non uk equivalent) followed by 1st class honours from top 10 uk university ( or minimu 2:1 from target uni). They then either join mbb as grad entry or they do five years at a big4 or "client" org ( investment bank, ftse company, world renowned brand) where they come top of the annual appraisal system EVERY year AND work in a key function like strategy, front office, marketing, etc. MBA entrants have ALL of the above plus an MBA from a world top 10 school.[/quote]I seem to (err..almost) fit the profile (good grades and appraisals,top non-UK MBA etc, top-client org experience ) :)However, despite sending my resume and cover letter to (IT) strategy consultancies via top-consultant, linkedIn and similar avenues, I haven't got much response yet (or is 1 week too short a period to expect a response? )My target area is (perm roles in) IT strategy (past experience is IT consulting, BA/PM roles, FSI).Many roles advertise for experience in IT due-diligence, TOM design etc. I have limited experience in these areas but there ARE some roles which suit my profile. I'm applying to both by highlighting areas which overlap my work and my career achievements.I feel I'm being quite realistic with my aspirations but no responses are quite disheartening. So, any suggestions regarding application strategy would be really welcome ! (I think I need to redo my linkedIn profile.)Have a great Sunday !P.S.: I like tom1's suggestion about asking an internal recruiter for feedback. Although I don't know one yet, I will find a way ! If any of you experienced souls care to help, I'd be glad to share my resume off the forum.