Thanks to marsday and BEP for the last couple of posts, particularly the last response from BEP. I (honestly) appreciate the time and consideration taken for both.I normally hate when people incessantly defend themselves, so I'm letting myself down now. Maybe I persist because it seems people might be jumped on in here before due consideration has been given to whether it's warranted or not (based on what you've said, maybe it has become the precedent/expectation to do so).• [i]Talks about himself with phrases such as "I have gone from strength to strength"[/i]If it is true, and a relevant element of my question (my academics won't make the cut, but I've reason to believe my demonstrated professional progression might), then I'm sorry for the use of idioms. Isn't it better to cut to the chase in a context like this?•[i]Thinks that, because there are a few ex-MBBBers where he works, he himself is therefore of a similar calibre[/i]The central point of my question was to get other opinions as to whether MBB could EVER view me as their calibre, not a supposition that I am. Plus this is a misreading of what I said. I don't simply work with them, I've been promoted ahead of them, but let's not go there again•[i]Lacks any sort of obvious focus or commitment[/i]How does anybody find out whether they enjoy something or not, before they try it? One of the main reasons the many consultants I've spoken to (including at the boutique strategy firm I did an internship in) got into the gig was 'opening doors', 'career trampoline', etc. I find it strange to hear you bash these (minor) motivationsMarsday, as for name calling, I was careful not to do so (if you re-read my post you'll see this). I did, however, want to remark on the feeling I was getting. If post #3, out-of-the-blue, and before my morning coffee, should not be taken as an insult, then I dread to think what else goes on in here.Regarding the other post you reference, I don't doubt there is some great stuff on here. It does seem like a weak defence though. It reminds me of the analogy of the accused rapist who says "but I also give my father a present every year on his birthday".Anyway, my question (while perhaps long-winded, and apparently poorly written) was essentially whether a slow start academically rules someone out of a stint at MBB forever, despite demonstrated professional success in strategy, at a high level. It seems clear the answer is about 90% yes. That's all I wanted. Again, thank you.PS: nobody enjoys a good ribbing and a bit of banter more than I do, but you can't expect a newcomer to this site to know what goes on here. I'm not sensitive, but post #3 completely threw me. You've got to ease the newbies in gently. Lube them up a bit.