I think we need to understand the fundamental issue here with these pseudo-business consultancies.For any consultancy like IBM, Cap, Accenture etc.that has its roots in IT, the urge to up-sell into slightly more business oriented areas is obviously quite tempting. Unfortunately though, you can not just hoard an army of consultants on such engagements and in any case, it is rare for businesses to be looking outside of the pure play management consultancy world when attempting to solve strategic business problems. The leftover projects (which are not strategic enough for the Mckinseys and BAZ of the world but which are still a bit of a 'catch' for IT Management Consultancies) tend to be up for grabs and yes, it is entirely plausible that Cap G Consulting runs some of these (By the way, I looked at their 'NEW' website and there is a video of one of their Principals who talks about what they do within DCT- MUST watch!)But even such leftover projects are few and far between which means that any Partner who manages a book has to look for other ways to keep his/her consultants engaged. Given that strategy projects are rare, where does a consultant get deployed? Threads galore on this forum about how SIs like Cap literally force their consultants to 'keep busy' regardless of skills match. I suspect that Digital Transformation Practice which Cap is trumpeting about is no different. They may have got a few projects that are slightly more business consulting focused than others but because they lack the brand (and that is unlikely to change unless they give up their cash cow accounts like HMRC etc. - which they will never do), anyone who joins them has to be prepared to be 'flexible'. I think we all know what that means !So here is my 2p advise to anyone thinking of joining Cap/IBM/Infosys/TCS/Accenture and etc. Do not be deluded about what kind of work you will be handling. Use your brain and less the powerpoints and marketing collateral touted by company recruiters at induction sessions, assessment centers and advertising in general. If you do not like an association with IT (Services) then avoid them like plague. But if you are happy to be an IT Management Consultant then look for the 'lesser evil'. And in that my money goes to Accenture/Deloitte - At least as of now. Cap might replace these sometime in future. All to their own though.