I am determined to enter the consulting industry. The introduction to my CV reads:PROFILEA history of successful and rapid orientation into a range of legal, commercial, research, educational and voluntary positions/team-working environments, I am seeking my first position within management consulting. SUMMARY OF KEY SKILLS Communicating at multiple levels in a diverse range of settings; carrying out desk/action-based research; writing for advisory, educational, training, publishing and awareness-raising purposes; assimilating, organizing, evaluating and responding decisively and creatively to information; operating under pressure in demanding, time-critical, contract/project-based situations; negotiating in cross-functional team environments; delivering training to legal, healthcare, social work, educational and project management professionals; organizing seminars/continuing professional development meetings/awareness-raising events; identifying and gaining commitment of keynote speakers; initiating, developing and maintaining relationships of trust, confidence and understanding.About 6 years ago I was interviewed by McKinsey. At the time I was not prepared to enter the consulting industry. I am about to turn 38 and what I could really do with is some mentoring support before securing my first position within consulting. Although called to the Bar in 1997, a legal career has never appealed and my opportunistic meandering since has allowed me to experience in-house legal affairs (clinical research), pharmaceutical sales, university research and teaching (human rights).I would really appreciate any comments, tips, pointers, recommended reading etc that might help me on my way.Gratefully,M