All,Assesment centre guide / help : 1st - HR corporate presentation 2nd - Interview : based on CV, exploring key competencies. Very standard stuff and you should be able to excel at this stage if you know your CV and can articulate answers using relevant workplace examples. 3rd Part 1 - You are given a case study about a business; you will play the role of consultant and are required to produce a high level management summary to a manager who is going to meet the client. 3rd Part 2 - With the above in mind you meet a SME from the firm whom you are to glean more information from before producing your presenation. 3rd Part 3 - Present ( 3 or 4 slides of flipchart ) your findings. Would recommend using STAR and keepings things nice and simple focussing on the key issues. Questions to follow...4th - Informal interview, why ATOS, why Consulting etc. The whole morning was a brilliant session; they are genuinely not trying to trip anyone up and it is not a competition - deliberately avoided by not using a group exercise! Just remember they are looking for you to show off your consulting skills / soft skills... how do you interact with the interviewer, how do you glean more information in the 3rd part (above), what is your presentation style etc. Enjoy !