You will be doing a dog's job as a Band 7(if you are lucky) consultant for the next 4-5 yrs. Most graduates get inducted there. Depending upon which service line you get allocated to (AIS, AMS, SAP, Oracle, Technology Strategy) you could be doing the same for a lot longer. Projects will use you like toilet paper-put you in any project regardless of your skills match if you can not find one through your partner/practice lead. Remember that in GBS, you are a virtual nobody till you are a Band 10 and a transition from Band 7 to Band 10 could easily take anywhere from 12-15 yrs. at an average - especially if you are a graduate inductee with no prior work experienceYou are fresh blood, have you got nothing better to look at than be joining a third rate company like IBM? Remember, you will find it extremely hard to find a job in a proper management consultancy if you decide that IT Services Consulting is not for you (which happens a lot mid career and I speak as an ex Band 9 consultant with IBM)