[quote]Hi GuysIs the above applicable to the Strategy team as well or does that team operate a different structure?[/quote]Can you specify to what bit of the above your question refers? If it's structure then yes it's the same. Accenture operate with the same Consulting structure globally (technology or strategy). The levels are:[list][*]Analyst 1,2[*]Consultant 1,2,3[*]Manager 1,2,3[*]Senior Manager 1,2,3[*]Senior Executive[/list] The numbers next to level indicate [i]average[/i] time-periods at level, although I am unsure of whether the Senior Manager figures are correct. The further you move up the pyramid, the harder it becomes. To move from A2 to C1 is considered extremely easy, from C3 - M1 a little harder, and then up it becomes increasingly difficult as there are a lot of quality M3s & SM3s fighting it out for few top spots.With regard to salary, it differs slightly depending what area you're in and the demand of your particular market/skill set. Experienced hires sometimes need to be lured in with higher salaries, as they will usually be brought in under level. Generally speaking there's probably a maximum of £5K variance between people at the same level up to Manager. Beyond that I have no idea, but would have thought it depends heavily on your revenue figures.