Greetings, May I ask current or recent IBM employees, what should be a norm for a Band 9 - Programme Manager / Senior Managing Consultant for Car Allowance & Flex Benefits 'pot'?Does £5.6K sound right or a bit low? I had heard from someone that £7.5K can be achieved, then I heard expect £6.5K, only for the offer to state monthly equivalent of £5.6K. The Car scheme also is outlined as 'C'. Does these seem right for Band 9, or is it too low?What type of cars would scheme C get you (as an alternative to taking the cash).Re: Flex bens, the amount for £300 odd quid per annum also seems ridiculously low. Thing is I'm unaware how much buying things like additional holidays (apparently up to 20), Health Insurance for the family, various Insurances (Personal Accident, critical illness etc) cost. But I would imagine it would get burnt up pretty quickly.So any examples of what a typical amount is for flex bens? Is it standard or varied per level?Thx in advance