Hi,I second all comments above, especially the lateral use of the qualification and to focus your attention on passing - you'll get very frustrated if you start thinking too much about your next step.The new syllabus was introduced 3/4 years ago with a few major changes: more international focus, more business focus and much harder to pass. The Big4 have become even more cut throat in firing grads who fail an exam (with different thresholds) - even if they are smart candidates or good performers at work (the stats of grads starting and grads finishing are quite an eye opener...) This has made it an even more competitive qualification, and if you wanted to use it as "leverage" it will be well respected in financial and business circles. It certainly isn't a golden ticket to anything, nothing much is. But it will give you a very solid backbone to finance/business, and capable of cutting through a lot of chat that many people peddle as financial insight...Final note, a lot of ACAs have gone on to do all sorts of things from VC work, hedge funds management or interesting roles in industry (no reconciliations!) so I'd certainly recommend it.