Assuming that you won't be in the BO at GS working with 'crap' people, GS wins hands down. The only brand which outright trumps everyone else. And that includes MBB. Or if you want a more reasoned approach, the ICB review is likely to crack the proverbial nut of everything in the MO and BO, separation of IB/RB infrastructure and all the gubbins leading to a bubble of intense demand for internal change project managers which the market won't be able to deliver. No this enterprise won't come to Goldman directly but being inside at the wonderbank will position you to move more or less anywhere within IB. Spend a year, maybe 2 at GS, then when the ICB programme starts to rumble forwards jump ship to one of the universal banks who will be crying out for people like you (and be prepared to pay). Miund you, cost of capital is already on the rise, so even without ICB the Basel regs will lead most banks to looking for cheap liquidity, and internal change (read performance improvement to deliver headcount reductions) would be the lowest hanging fruit. Or join Accenture and join the inevitable queues to get out again.