[quote]Dear All,I currently work as a senior health professional but I am very interested changing my career to management consultancy.I have previously obtained a BSc Hons in Biochemistry from Imperial College London (2.2) and an MSc from UCL (near distinction).I am due to start an online finance course and have a qualification in leadership in management. I am unsure how to make my application or CV worth reading, as I feel because of my 2.2, clinical science and non business background it is not very appealing.Is it worth completing modules, short courses or even degrees in business, finance or economics?Also at the moment I am sending my CV + covering letter to a number of consulting firms and recruitment companies advertising and not advertising roles - am I going about this the correct way? Are there any avenues or paths that I have not thought of that may be more beneficial?Please help! :)Thank you [/quote]With the recession, making a career change takes being creative. I would suggest to keep trying by try to find something to keep an income coming into your life. And by something I mean that you already have experience in or may be qualified to do. It is okay to have a career dream, this is what keeps us going and looking forward to the next day. Also try to find people that are already doing what you are doing so that you can get some tips on how to get into this line of work. Who knows, they may even know of an entry level job.