My immediate thoughts are that you have a good understanding of your problem, i.e. you are unhappy with where you are are, but cannot take even the first step towards getting to where you want to be, because you are still considering almost every destination possible. Its not that unusual a posiiton; lots of folks feel that way.Some people get themselves on a defined path pretty early in life. Some of those people benefit from that single minded dedication and become millionaires, MC partners, rich and famous, etc. However, many others wake up in their mid-forties and have a breakdown when they realise its all for nothing and they've wasted half their life and are now so tied to a mortgage and a family that they have no feasible way to change without incurring a divorce and estrangement from entire peer group and social circle. Pretty grim, eh?Step 1. Stop beating yourself up for not knowing the answer - most people who think they do, will find out they don't. You're young enough not to be too trapped.Step 2. In the absence of the one true answer, work out what you enjoy doing and do that. Performance is almost always better when you’re doing what you enjoy the most. Sadly what you absolutely enjoy the most may not pay very well, or would require too significant a transition cost. If so you may have to compromise and do the thing you like doing second best, but which is still quite well paid. The range of options you’re conisdering is, as you know, too wide. Its not really a range - it everything. Some of the things on that list can’t be done (e.g. run your own business) half heartedly, while others (contracting) can be. People who want to run their own business (and end up good at it) generally don’t consider any other options.Don’t ask yourself what you no longer like. What do you ENJOY? That usuually narrows down the options considerably!!