yes, the money is great and no income tax. Programme management will get you good money in dubai. For all practical purposes, its as developed as in the uk. Your girlfriend will also like it verymuch as most expat wags do....they will have money, probably can afford a servant ot two to run aronud and do all the hard work etc...leaving them to pimp themselves out and enjoy life only the really rich can afford in britain or other OECD countries. As such, they rarely want to return to a small flat in uk somewhere ( easy to upgrade, very tough to downgrade). Answer these questions:1. Are you willing to put up with some crap that you will get in other countries such as dubai ( e.g. dealing with electricity companies regarding your bill may be a nightmare....but it sometimes is in britain).2. Good money, yes, but a spendthrift will specd every penny of it....always a chance to spend your money. Need really good self control and your girl will have money to spend and its upto you to put the brakes on it to save for your future.3. Can you deal with the can get really hot ( although everything is air conditioned). You will likely get tickets to return to britain during peak of the summer.4. To answer your question: experience in dubai can be either seen as good or bad: If you work with a large and well known company ( e.g. global MNC, MBBB etc, or the like) then you should be fine...these companies pretty much have the same standrds wherever they are, and recruiters will know that in britain. If you work for no name dodgy small company, then recruiters may be a bit more wary in britain...fear of unknown...Sounds like you are in the former category, so you should be well placed upon your return.Yes, give some time in britain to get a job; no one will give you a job whilst in another country ( unless you do a intra company transfer- wise option actually)....with the money saved, you should be able to whether the period of unemployment upon your return to britain.