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Prospects after working in Dubai

forum comment
#0 Prospects after working in Dubai
Tim Horton
30.09.10 00:00
Need your views on something - Really appreciate your time and effort.I have a tempting offer from a global insurance company to work in their Dubai office, as Programme Manager. I have around 10 years of MC experience with couple of the big names. No mortgage or kids.I am planning to take the role and relocate with the girlfriend for 2-3 years - Get some change of scenery, some sunshine and hopefully a bit of money in the bank.What are the risks I should be aware of? Would I have a difficult time finding a similar role in 2-3 years time in the UK when I return? Thanks again for your advice


forum comment
#0 RE: Prospects after working in Dubai
shoe polisher
30.09.10 00:00
Taking the girlfriend is risky unless she is working. Without kids, she won't have a natural social circle and ex-pat wives are a funny bunch. They remain furiously shallow (they have to because people come and go so they don't get attached) and it can be a very difficult time for them.And the local traditions can be a real burden.


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: Prospects after working in Dubai
30.09.10 00:00
Pimp her put you'll have plenty of money in the bank then.


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: Prospects after working in Dubai
30.09.10 00:00
what a crass comment. SP's point is very valid but I'd say go for it if you can get round that. Programme management is very transferable so I don't think you'd necessarily be locked out of opportunities because of being seen as region-specific. Logistics around securing something prior to your return might be the main obstacle - factor in a period of job-hunting on your return..


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: Prospects after working in Dubai
30.09.10 00:00
Interesting discussion - I am considering a similar moveOut of interest (and if you don’t mind my asking) what is the pay differential between Dubai and UK for programme management roles. Notwithstanding the tax benefit, how do the salaries / rates differ?


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Prospects after working in Dubai
A guru
30.09.10 00:00
It would be really helpful to get insights from those who have made a similar move. I am considering making the move in about a year's time. A friend of mine moved there about 2years ago for a mouth-watering pay - with no tax and NI!!!!!. Now he is not in a hurry to come back to the UK.


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Prospects after working in Dubai
01.10.10 00:00
yes, the money is great and no income tax. Programme management will get you good money in dubai. For all practical purposes, its as developed as in the uk. Your girlfriend will also like it verymuch as most expat wags do....they will have money, probably can afford a servant ot two to run aronud and do all the hard work etc...leaving them to pimp themselves out and enjoy life only the really rich can afford in britain or other OECD countries. As such, they rarely want to return to a small flat in uk somewhere ( easy to upgrade, very tough to downgrade). Answer these questions:1. Are you willing to put up with some crap that you will get in other countries such as dubai ( e.g. dealing with electricity companies regarding your bill may be a nightmare....but it sometimes is in britain).2. Good money, yes, but a spendthrift will specd every penny of it....always a chance to spend your money. Need really good self control and your girl will have money to spend and its upto you to put the brakes on it to save for your future.3. Can you deal with the can get really hot ( although everything is air conditioned). You will likely get tickets to return to britain during peak of the summer.4. To answer your question: experience in dubai can be either seen as good or bad: If you work with a large and well known company ( e.g. global MNC, MBBB etc, or the like) then you should be fine...these companies pretty much have the same standrds wherever they are, and recruiters will know that in britain. If you work for no name dodgy small company, then recruiters may be a bit more wary in britain...fear of unknown...Sounds like you are in the former category, so you should be well placed upon your return.Yes, give some time in britain to get a job; no one will give you a job whilst in another country ( unless you do a intra company transfer- wise option actually)....with the money saved, you should be able to whether the period of unemployment upon your return to britain.


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Prospects after working in Dubai
01.10.10 00:00
Some of these comments are quite outdated. The days of the megabucks lifestyle are gone. Salaries are much lower than in the UK, and the cost of living (esp rents and alchahol) are far far higher than in the UK. As for experience coming back to the UK, it isn’t well regarded. Seen as a bit of a gap year. Why not join a big UK firm and try to land a short assignment there to test it first?


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Prospects after working in Dubai
Tim Horton
04.10.10 00:00
Thanks everyone who replied - except the one who pimps his mum for the extra cash.My position on some of the very valid points made above:- The girlfriend has a job fixed up too, so hopefully the "expat housewife" problem shouldn't arise- I am fine with the weather and logistics- I understand there are no mega-bucks anymore, specially with the high rents and high cost of eating and drinking out (£6 for a pint - ffs !!!). But even with a raise of 10-20% plus the savings of tax and NI of 30% , it is a half-decent financial proposition.For the person who asked what the package is like, its around the same mark as a UK Programme Manager in the range of 65-80K but all of it is cash-in-hand. Slightly worried about the comment that it would be tricky to get a role when I return back to the UK, but looking at the responses, that view seems to be in the minority. Any other words of wisdom?


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Prospects after working in Dubai
05.10.10 00:00
Tim,Your prospects on return will be positive so long as the firm you worked for and your results therein are also positive. A mickey mouse company is a mickey mouse company wherever it is on the globe. On re-entering the UK market, be mindful that a potential employer will look a little harder into overseas deployments that they may not have heard of when assessing your experience. This is what holds back a lot of people when they try to get back to grips with the 'big players' in their field in the UK.If, however, you have done a few years with a global player with a bit of reputation, then this kind of move can really enhance your CV, as it illustrates your willingness to progress, your adaptability etc.In short, I think your major concern is with how you will be received by the job market when you return then I would say go for it. Good luck whatever you decide!


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Prospects after working in Dubai
05.10.10 00:00
I would agree with previous posters but also add, you may like it so much you'll never leave. A friend joined the Dubai office of Accenture recently on a six month assignment and liked the lifestyle upgrade so much he's extended for another year. relocation for 2-3 years gives you enough time to put down roots and hang out with slightly less phony expats and transferees. Also assuming your girlfriend has a job here there's no reason (other than visa complications) she can't do the same there - it's a growing economy despite the hiccups last year.


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