Hi anon – only in the world of monopoly I’m afraid.297 days at £500 provides total revenue of £148,500 for the limited company (or umbrella firm) that the contractor works for. This is not the contractors personal income (and if you think it is the tax man will hammer you!!) The contractor then pays himself a tax free salary of £6,000, leaving pre-tax profits in the company of £142,500. This is then subject to Corporation Tax, leaving net profits of £114,000 which CAN be paid out to the contractor as personal income. This, in addition to the tax-free £6000 income gives a personal income total of £120,000.240 billable days, given there are un-billable bank holidays in the UK means taking only 15 days of personal holiday a year and being a massive 100% billable at ALL other times! At £500, 240 days gives £120,000 company revenue. Ignoring VAT which is in and straight back out (ignoring the slight benefit of flat rate VAT), that pays a basic salary of £6000, leaving £114,000 that is subject to corporation tax. The net profit after tax is therefore £91,200, which added back tot the £6000 provides personal income of £97,200. There are of course no benefits in kind to be considered.The above is a very rough illustration minus many of the fringe benefits that can be accumulated through a limited company ownership structure (child care, income shifting, etc), but suffices for the purpose.Nobody bills £500 a day and earns a salary equivalent of 120K. Anyone who thinks they are either has a nasty tax bill in their near future or is billing more than the normal billable days