Thanks for that. Well, the reason for my observations on typical posters here are based on the below. This will be long and I'm pretty sure there will be a comment on that as well :-)1. Agreed many who pass snide remarks have a lot more experience than me but then, that does not give them the right to constantly pick on what I post. Why is it improbable that someone with lesser experience than them can be right?2. Why is it wrong to be excited on a brand new role/job and just be happy about it? Is it against forum rules to sound excited? Has life become so dull in Consulting that securing a brand new job cannot be followed by excitement of starting something new in life? And who said excited utterance is childish or naive? If you know how some of these top Consultants laugh and agree to ever comment a client makes while at a dinner gathering, you will know who really is childish!!!3. Posters keep saying I talk so much about ACN even before I join them - 'So What?' is my question. I have recently gone through the hiring process, interacted with atleast 5 guys who have accepted offer so why cant I know a little about ACN before I join them? I have not once claimed or posted on ACN's internal workings, projects, clients etc - most of my posts have been about the initial process steps. The best part of all this is none of those who question me actually have any concrete answers to directly contradict me!4. When I recently put a question on ACN basics, I was faced by a barrage of insults - and I dont understand why. So what if I ask those questions - what is a forum meant for anyway? Do take a look at that post to see what I mean - I clearly stated I was asking some very basic questions for answers from those on the ground - yet people have remarks to pass. Its better to ask questions openly than assume things. You can ask Company HR people all you want, wait till you start working to get some answers cleared but what is really wrong in asking these before hand on a Consulting forum?5. Finally, the ego of some on here is commendable. Whether you are right out of college or have 100yrs exp in the field, you still need to respect everyone - taking jibes, making snide remarks only belittles those who resort to such demeanour.So yes, this forum indeed has decent posters who contribute a lot but are not always active members. The ones who are sound more like college kids waiting to pass remarks and make comments - are they really people in their lates 30s, early 40s with successful careers? And thats the reason I term such posters as have-beens or losers who cannot find an iota of happiness, do not sound mature and only while their time away ridiculing othersI was initially quite happy when I stumbled on this forum by accident but I feel now feel I would have been better off not posting on here in the first place. There's a lot of negativity here and it clearly shows in almost every post.Aces