I agree with Mars - I think you'll benefit from finding something which you can use as an outlet to take your mind of the work stuff or at least to help you unwind. I think about work a lot out of work too - not necessarily worrying about it, but I'd say it is often on my mind and I've found that for me, exercise really helps. A fast workout after work helps me draw a line between work and personal life. I fit it in when I can, and it helps me get rid of some of the tension I might feel, giving me a bit of time for myself, and then I feel more relaxed and ready to catch up with friends or wind down.Experience has shown me that you'll have really bad days on projects - some will be really testing - it's part of what's enjoyable about consulting, because you push yourself and learn new things during those stressful times. When you're in the middle of a stressful time, remember how you go through the last stressful time, what you did and what you learned - you'll get through this one too. And it will be good experience from which you can learn - so, if you focus on the positives of the challenge, rather than worrying about the negatives, you may find it easier to feel more relaxed and to switch off.