Hi Girls,I'm about to go into consulting at a big 4 firm, after many years in civil service /industry. I'm looking for some advice. In my current and previous roles, I've always made the effort to look tidy, smart, professional etc - wearing well cut suits with skirts, heels, hair done neatly, and non-obtrusive make up. However as the work hasnt been 'client facing' every day, there wasnt the same pressure to always look perfectly polished as I am expecting there to be in the new job.I've never had a problem before with looking smart and polished for work - but at the same time I've always had a short commute, driving myself not more than a half hour from home, plenty of time in the morning for hair/make up etc, and have also had my own office so was able to store spare heels / suit jackets etc in work.In new role I'm going to be doing long hours, will prob be trekking across London on foot and on underground in all weathers after uncomfortable commute by train into London (or potentially further afield), while also having to arrive at clients looking polished and professional. Unlikely to have own office space (hot-desking), or to even know what location I'll end up in by the end of the day. From your own experiences are there any good tips you can share about how to stay looking polished and remain comfortable? Thanks girls! (or guys who have suggestions too)Katy