Hey Tomski,I am in a very similar spot. Having not followed the conventional Uni route, however, it has taken me a little longer to get to £60k and a similar package. I have been in industry for about 10yrs now but started stacking boxes when I should have been doing my first year at UCL (commitments that couldn't be walked away from scuppered my Uni place!). Once I got into the management track, things moved quickly and I have been promoted pretty much every 18 months to now. Now I am in a comfortable role doing pretty interesting stuff, but doing it over and over again for the same firm. The problem is, the opportunities for advancement are slowing down, and my horizons aren't getting any broader while I sit in the same industry. So, I too have been considering a step into consulting. The key issue is, however, that to get any kind of increase in renumeration, I need to be targeting Manager level roles. While this is not impossible (and I have a wealth of line managerial responsibility and internal consulting/project management experience behind me) most consultancy firms won't consider recruiting someone in at that level without previous 'real' consulting background. This is a difficult hurdle to overcome, and while I am currently interviewing at a couple of large MC firms, I think come offer stage (assuming I get that far!) that there is every chance I may be low-balled or offered the classic carrot on a stick of accelerated development if I can prove myself at consultant level. In short, I think you need to be very clear about your objectives. If it is simply variety you crave and you would be happy taking a new role that might not be exciting until you gain some status and experience (become a 'safe pair of hands'), and you aren't looking for a massive jump in salary then this may be the move for you.