Frustrated, I am so happy to have come across your thread here. :) I know exactly how you feel. I am in somewhat same, or at least, similar situation. I recently started a masters course at a top school in the USA, top ivy league school, as they call them here, hoping to get into consulting in the UK or elsewhere in Europe when I graduate. So far, the things I learn and how we learn has been a major let down. I find most things that we do so hard to be applied in real life and in practice, that I sometimes think its a waste of time. I know that it isn't, at least I will have masters degree from a top US school, but its hard to be doubt free. Some of my classmates agree with me and have expressed the same concerns, but the alumni from our course and from the school is doing exceptionally well so its more the concern about actually learning something then with what to do next. Some of my classmates suggested that in consulting, everything is somewhat vague and based on theory. Consultants don't actually implement any of their strategies. You probably know this better since you are coming from this industry. And yes, the networking thing is over emphasized. I recently had a conversation with a person from top MC at our school's career fair and it was a pretty long, very friendly and engaging conversation, which I thought would lead to something more promising, but guess what. At the end, I was warned by this person that the deadlines for autumn 2011 are approaching fast and that I should carefully complete my application on-line. Haha. Thanks. I think I know how to read that much from your web site. :) Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience and there are, I believe, plenty of us in the same boat.